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About me


I am a Food Developer focused on innovation, fermentation and sustainability. 


I help companies to develop Fermented & Upcycled food products, maximizing the value of the resources and minimizing waste.


Working with a circular economy approach, I consider all the materials involved in the food system to promote sustainability and efficient resource utilization.


I have the capacity to break down science to its basic principles, (I am a visual thinker) then, I use these bricks of knowledge to build new ideas and new products. 


For over 14 years, I have helped develop numerous innovative products, often using food waste as raw materials, driven by a passion for the creative process and a commitment to promoting sustainable value creation.


I am a very curious person who likes challenges. If you think I could help you, I will be happy to connect with you and explore the possibility to work together. If you want to chat or have any question, you can book a free call with me.



2023 - Certified Food Scientist

Institute of Food Technologists (IFT)


2010 - Bachelor of Food Science

Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina

Lima, Peru.



Creativity, visual thinker, problem-solving, organization, communication, spanish - fluent.





Cultured Foods Lab (Austin, TX, USA)

Founder and Chief Innovator

(Nov 2022 - Present)

  • I help CPG brands develop food products, improve processes and finds innovative solutions to their problems. 


Rebel Cheese (Austin, TX, USA)

Research & Development
(Feb 2022 - Jan 2023)

  • Created a system to manage the production and calculated costs, nutritions facts and a forecast for the ingredients.

  • Made SOPs for the processes and helped to scale the production. 


Culina (Austin, TX, USA)

Manager of Research & Development 
(Nov 2019 - Sept 2021)

  • Developed plant based cultivated products, as coconut yogurt, coconut kefir and others. 

  • Made the SOPs (Standard Operating Procedure) for the yogurts and kefirs.

  • Helped our partners factories to adapt the processes to their factories.

  • Supervised the quality control for all the production.


Head of Production

(May 2018 - Oct 2019)

  • Managed 2 teams of 10 people for the production of the yogurt.

  • Supervised quality control.

  • Calculated nutrition facts, costs, shelf life and created SOPs for production.


Distillery Espiritu Andino (Lima, Peru)

Head of Research & Development & Production

(Aug 2016 - Feb 2018)​

  • Developed the first vodka made with native andean potatoes "14 Inkas"

  • Winner of 10 gold medals in international competitions and 1 double gold medal in San Francisco World Spirits competition.

  • Designed the process and the distillery to scale the production.

  • Created the SOPs to ensure the efficiency of the process and the quality of the product.

  • Managed the first 6 months of production of vodka.​


Sierra y selva exportadora (Junin, Peru)

Research & Development Consultant
(Feb 2016 - May 2016)

  • Developed two different spirits made from coffee fruit and chirimoya fruit.

  • Made the SOPs for both new spirits.

  • Trained the farmers in the production of both spirits.


New World Spirits (Peru, Ecuador & Dominican Republic)

Manager of Research & Development & Production
(Jan 2013 - May 2016)

  • Developed the first spirit made from cacao pulp "Solbeso".

  • Winner of 3 gold medals in international competitions including 1 gold medal for the "Best New Spirit" in Spirits of the Americas competition.

  • Designed and built 2 distilleries in the middle of the jungle of Peru as well managed production.

  • Created the SOP for each distillery (Peru, Ecuador & Dominic Republic).

  • Supervised the production for each partner factory and the quality control of the products.


Wine Research Center (Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina) (Lima, Peru)

Research & Development Consultant

(May 2015 - Jan 2016)

  • Research & developed 5 vodkas made from amaranth, quinoa, potato, cassava & sweet potato.

  • Wrote a report (Evaluate costs, yields and flavor profiles).


Coyungo (Lima, Peru)

Co-Founder and Manager of Research & Development & Production
(Sept 2010 - Dec 2012)

  • Developed Pisco "Coyungo" (Peruvian D.O. brandy).

  • Designed and constructed a mobile distillery to work directly with the farmers at their vineyards.

  • Created the SOP for the Pisco.

  • Managed the production for 2 years.

  • Supervised quality control.

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